Edge Gives Update On Triceps Injury

One of the few highlights of 2020 occurred at the Royal Rumble event. After being forced into an early retirement in 2011, Edge made his triumphant return in the Men's Royal Rumble. He would spend the next several months embroiled in a feud with old Rated RKO tag partner Randy Orton, winning a Last Man Standing match at Wrestlemania and losing "The Greatest Match Ever" at Backlash. In that Backlash match, the Rated R Superstar tore his tricep. Edge gave an update on that injury in a recent interview with Busted Open.
"I mean, I don’t know. It’s a learning process because I’m going to be 47 next month, so I didn’t know how I heal from injuries, surgeries, things like that. It’s a slow process. I’m not going to lie. The triceps is a different thing. I got back from an Achilles in six months, but I was 35 doing that, so at ten plus years, I don’t know. It’s a different thing. You don’t realize how much your triceps is involved in almost everything you do in terms of arm movement.
So, I don’t know yet. I know it’s a lot slower than I thought it was going to be because I just have this mentality of, “right, no big deal. Surgery, PT, and we grind through it, we break down the scar tissue, and off we go.” So, I don’t know if it’s the injury itself. If it’s I’m a little older, I don’t know what it is, but it’s not as fast as I would’ve liked."
Hopefully, Edge starts making greater progress on his recovery soon. First, he has the rubber match with Orton to take care of, but one of the most exciting prospects of Edge's return was seeing how he would match up with today's superstars- the ones that weren't around in his first run. Bouts with the likes of Seth Rollins, AJ Styles and Roman Reigns are mouth-watering possibilities once the WWE Hall of Famer can return to action.
By Mick Robson